How You Can Help

The Houston Jewish Community Foundation is your partner in charitable giving. We offer easy, creative ways to make a significant impact with your tzedakah. Whether you’d like to memorialize a loved one, support a community organization in perpetuity or simply streamline your charitable giving, we are here to help you achieve your philanthropic goals.
Why Choose HJCF?
We are dedicated to helping you maximize the impact of every charitable dollar.
You can count on us to be:
We have the experience and expertise to develop innovative philanthropic strategies that help you create a unique legacy.
The financial investment firm Fiducient Advisors oversees the prudent management of our funds, with additional oversight by HJCF's Investment Committee. We also handle all record-keeping and reporting responsibilities, eliminating administrative hassle for our donors.
As an independent organization, we work with all local Jewish and community organizations.
We create and administer Donor Advised Funds, supporting organizations, endowments, and trusts. We are structured to receive gifts of stock, life insurance, cash, real estate, and other non-cash assets.
Why Choose HJCF?
We are dedicated to helping you maximize the impact of every charitable dollar.
You can count on us to be:
We have the experience and expertise to develop innovative philanthropic strategies that help you create a unique legacy.
The financial investment firm Fiducient Advisors oversees the prudent management of our funds, with additional oversight by the Foundation’s Investment Committee. We also handle all record-keeping and reporting responsibilities, eliminating administrative hassle for our donors.
As an independent organization, we work with all local Jewish and community organizations.
We create and administer Donor Advised Funds, supporting organizations, endowments, and trusts. We are structured to receive gifts of stock, life insurance, cash, real estate, and other non-cash assets.
Create a Fund
HJCF’s long-term approach to giving facilitates your charitable intentions during and beyond your lifetime.
Contact us to learn more about how we can help your organization.
Create a Legacy
Grants & Giving
HJCF works diligently to ensure the needs of our community are met in lasting and meaningful ways. We empower individuals and families to give generously to the organizations and causes that matter to them most.
For Our Donors
We are here to help you achieve your philanthropic dreams and to support you every step of the way – from establishing a fund to offering guidance on giving to reviewing investment options to handling all the administrative details.
If you would like to open a new fund, please contact us.
If you are a current donor, you can make grants from an existing fund.